Badlion Client Alternatives¶
I do not have Badlion and don't intend on downloading it. If you know how to categorize these mods, please PR or make an issue! This currently uses the list from their support site.
- Animations - OverflowAnimations
- Armor Status - EvergreenHUD
- AutoGG - Hytils Reborn
- Auto Text (BANNABLE ON HYPIXEL) - AutoText
- AutoTip - Semx11's AutoTip
- Bedwars Beds - Hytils Reborn
- Bedwars Upgrade Display - EvergreenHUD
- Block Counter - ?
- Block Overlay - BlockOverlay
- BlockInfo - What Am I Looking At
- Bossbar - VanillaHUD
- Chat
- 24 Hour - PolyPatcher
- Bold - ?
- Anti-Spam - PolyPatcher
- Time Format - PolyPatcher
- Infinite History - PolyPatcher
- History Length - PolyPatcher
- Smooth Chat - Chatting
- No Close My Chat - PolyPatcher
- Background (color) - Chatting
- Time (color) - ?
- Highlight Username In Chat - REDACTION
- Toggle Chat (keybind) - ?
- Copy Coordinates (keybind) - PolyPatcher (/sendcoords)
- Move Chat Above Hearts - Chatting
- Smooth Chat Speed - Chatting
- Chunk Borders - Legacy Chunk Borders
- Clear Glass - Use a resource pack
- Clock - EvergreenHUD
- Combo Counter - EvergreenHUD
- Coordinates - EvergreenHUD
- CPS Counter - EvergreenHUD
- Crosshair Mod - PolyCrosshair
- Damage Tint - LowHPTint
- Direction - EvergreenHUD
- Enchant Glint - GlintColorizer
- FOV Changer - PolyPatcher
- FPS - EvergreenHUD
- Fullbright - PolyPatcher
- GUI - PolyPatcher (partially)
- Height Overlay - Hytils Reborn
- Hit Color - DamageTint
- Hitboxes - PolyHitbox
- Inventory Blur - Blur
- Item Counter - Item Counter
- Item Info - PolyPatcher
- Item Physics - ItemPhysic Lite
- Item Tracker - ?
- JustEnoughItems - JEI
- Keystrokes - Canelex Keystrokes Revamp
- Levelhead - Levelhead
- Light Overlay - ?
- Memory - EvergreenHUD
- MiniMap (BANNABLE ON HYPIXEL) - JourneyMap
- MLG Cobweb - ?
- Motion Blur - PolyBlur
- Mouse Strokes - ?
- Name History - ?
- Name Tags - PolyNametag
- Nick Hider - NickHider
- Oof - OofMod
- Pack Display - EvergreenHUD
- Pack Tweaks
- Custom Fire - PolyPatcher
- Transparent UI - PolyPatcher
- Hide Pumpkin Overlay - PolyPatcher
- Visible Tripwires - ?
- Fishing Line Color - Not Enough Updates
- Fishing Line Width - OverflowAnimations
- Trip Wire Color - ? (and yes for some reason BLC has not grouped this with Visible Tripwires and they separated the word)
- Water Opacity - OptiFine (clear water to an extent)
- Water Fog - PolyPatcher
- Bigger Items - OverflowAnimations
- Custom Skies - OptiFine
- Biome Blending - OptiFine
- XP Orb Colors - ?
- Ore Overlays - Use a resource pack
- Particles - OverflowParticles
- Perspective Mod (BANNABLE ON HYPIXEL) - DJtheRedstoner's Perspective Mod
- Ping - EvergreenHUD (disabled for now)
- Player Counter - ?
- Potion Status - Potion Effects
- Protection - PolyPatcher
- PvP Info - ?
- Quickplay - QWERTZexe's Quickjoin
- Reach Display - EvergreenHUD
- Saturation - AppleCore
- Scoreboard - VanillaHUD
- Server Address - EvergreenHUD
- Shaders - OptiFine
- Shiny Pots - GlintColorizer
- StopWatch - EvergreenHUD
- Survival
- Lock Items in Inventory - NotEnoughUpdates
- Anti Breaking Tools - ?
- Show Ender Chest Inventory - EvergreenHUD
- Inventory Search Bar - Not Enough Updates
- Tab
- Background - VanillaHUD
- Rows - ?
- Highlight Own Name - Hytils Reborn (puts a star next to name)
- Move Self to Top - ?
- Scale - VanillaHUD
- Font - SmoothFont
- Disable Header - VanillaHUD
- Disable Footer - VanillaHUD
- Disable Player Heads - VanillaHUD
- Show Ping Numbers - VanillaHUD
- Hide Ping - VanillaHUD
- Dynamic Ping Color - VanillaHUD
- Name Text Shadow - VanillaHUD
- Ping Text Shadow - VanillaHUD
- Header and Footer Text Shadow - VanillaHUD
- Remove Guild Tags (Hypixel) - Hytils Reborn
- Remove NPCs (Hypixel)- Hytils Reborn
- TimeChanger - PolyTime
- TNT Time - TNT Time
- ToggleChat
- Abbreviate Chat Channels - Hytils Reborn
- Abbreviate Ranks - ?
- Hide Direct Messages - ToggleChat
- Hide Shout Messages - ToggleChat
- Hide In-Game Team Messages - ToggleChat
- Hide In-Game Messages (Excludes Team Chat) - ToggleChat
- Hide Line Separators - Hytils Reborn
- Hide Friend Join/Leave Messages - ToggleChat
- Hide Friend Requests - ToggleChat
- Hide Guild Messages - ToggleChat
- Hide Guilt MOTD - Hytils Reborn / ToggleChat
- Hide Party Messages - ToggleChat
- Hide Party Invites - ToggleChat
- Hide Pre-Game Messages - ToggleChat
- Hide Lobby Join Messages - Hytils Reborn / ToggleChat
- Hide Lobby Messages - ToggleChat
- ToggleSneak - PolySprint
- ToggleSprint - PolySprint
- Waypoints - ?
- Zoom - OptiFine & PolyPatcher
- Mumble Link - MumbleLink
- ResourcePack24 - Resource Pack Manager (Only adds the ability to make folders and a better GUI) and Resourcify (Only adds ability to download and update packs from Modrinth)
- Schematica Mod - Schematica
- TeamSpeak Mod - ?
- Timers - BLCTimers
These are mods that Badlion has but are not mentioned in their support for one reason or another.
- BehindYou - BehindYouV3
- Clan Wars - Irrelevant
- Cosmetics - Mixmetica
- Emotes - ?
- Sprays - ?
- Wavey Capes - Wavey Capes
- Discord Rich Presence - HyCord
- Fancy Fonts - SmoothFont
- Ghost Liquid Fix - Don't use
- HyStats - HyStats
- Ingame Server Switcher - PolyPatcher
- Replay Mod - Replay Mod
- Text Shadow - PolyPatcher
- Weather Changer - PolyWeather
For a list of Skyblock mods please see my other list here.