LabyMod Alternatives¶
LabyMod has a bunch of problems that cause mod incompatibilities, weird graphics, and just low FPS. Therefore, it is advised that you avoid using it if possible.
- Ping in Tablist - VanillaHUD
- Colored Ping - VanillaHUD
- Show Language Flags - ?
- Permission Changes - Irrelevant
- LabyMod User Indicator - Irrelevant
- Out of Memory Warning - ? (Check F3 / EvergreenHUD for current memory usage)
- All animations - OverflowAnimations
- Lava Optimization - Don't use!
- Optimize Soup & Potion Refill (BANNABLE ON HYPIXEL) - ?
- Synchronised Crosshair - OptiFine
- Blockhit - OverflowAnimations
- Particle Optimization - PolyPatcher
- Chunk Caching - Irrelevant, servers must have support for it anyway.
- Fast World Loading - PolyPatcher
- Hide Entities Behind Blocks - PolyPatcher
- Hide Backside of Entitities - PolyPatcher
- Markers - ?
Minecraft Chat¶
- Autotext (BANNABLE ON HYPIXEL) - AutoText
- Name History - Removed by Mojang for privacy concerns.
- Chat Icons - ?
- Chat Filter - Skytils
- Shortcuts - Chatting
- Player Menu - ?
- Disable Chat Background - VanillaHUD
- Adjustable Chat - VanillaHUD
- Advanced Chat Settings
- Secondary Chat - ?
- Speed FOV - OptiFine
- Swap Bow - ?
Menu GUI¶
- Menu Background - PolyPatcher
- Server Information at Direct Connect - REDACTION
- Confirm Disconnect - PolyPatcher
- Quickplay - Buggyfroggy's Quickplay
- Public Server List - ?
- Multiplayer Menu Ingame - PolyPatcher
- Borderless Window - PolyPatcher
- Improved Skin Customization - ? (PolyPatcher does add 1.9+ skin transparency however)
- Better Shader Selection - ?
- Live Serverlist - ?
- Custom Inventory Scale - PolyPatcher
- Show Tab Icons - ?
- LabyMod Settings in Tab - Irrelevant
- Server Banner in Tablist - ?
- Show My Name - VanillaHUD
- Show Saturation - AppleCore
- Sign Search - ?
- Left Hand - PolyPatcher
- Discord Rich Presence - connorlinfoot's DiscordRP / HyCord
- Custom Name Tags - ? (REDACTION for highlighting names)
- Cosmetics - Mixmetica
- Extrude Textures - Wavey Capes (not really the same thing but its cool so)
Ingame GUI¶
- FPS Counter - EvergreenHUD
- Coordinates - EvergreenHUD
- Direction - EvergreenHUD
- Clock - EvergreenHUD
- Date - ?
- Biome - EvergreenHUD
- Entity Count - EvergreenHUD
- Chunk Caching Info - Irrelevant, servers must have support for Chunk Caching anyways
- Memory - EvergreenHUD
- Ping - EvergreenHUD (disabled for now)
- Online Players - EvergreenHUD
- Server Address - EvergreenHUD
- Server Support - Irrelevant
- Potion Effects - Potion Effects
- Scoreboard - VanillaHUD
- Combo - EvergreenHUD
- Range - EvergreenHUD
- Speed - EvergreenHUD
- Armor Status - EvergreenHUD
External Services¶
- YouTube Subscriber - ?
- Voice Chat - zsawyer's MumbleLink
- AFK Time - ?
- Click Test - ?
- Lava Challenge Time - ?
- ToggleSneak Info - PolySprint
- Laby's MiniMap (BANNABLE ON HYPIXEL) - MamiyaOtaru's VoxelMap (requires LiteLoader) / JourneyMap
- DirectionHUD - EvergreenHUD
- Account Switcher - Essential
- Main Menus - Nox's MainMenus
- Anti Clear Chat - PolyPatcher
- AntiRage - ?
- AutoGG - Hytils Reborn
- AutoGL - Hytils Reborn
- AutoReconnect - ?
- Batty's Coordinates - BatHeart's Batty's Coords PLUS
- BetterHat - 3D Skin Layers
- Better Perspective (BANNABLE ON HYPIXEL) - DJtheRedstoner's Perspective Mod
- BetterScreenshot - PolyPatcher
- ChatCopied - Chatting
- ChatLog - Cowlection
- ChatTime - PolyPatcher
- ChatTranslator - ?
- Color Correction - ColorSaturation
- ConnectionHistory - ?
- Controller - ?
- Custom Block Overlay - BlockOverlay
- Custom Crosshair Mod - PolyCrosshair
- Custom Hitboxes - PolyHitbox
- CustomFilterSounds - PolyPatcher
- CustomFont - SmoothFont
- Custom Main Menu - Lumien231's CustomMainMenu
- CustomTime - PolyTime
- DamageIndicator (BANNABLE ON HYPIXEL) - Toro's Damage Indicators
- Direct Connect History - ?
- DirectionHUD - Reflxtion's bspkr's DirectionHud / Canalex / EvergreenHUD
- EmoteChat - Kokeria's ChatEmotes (doesn't work exactly like laby's but the emotes are the same)
- FastJoin - ?
- Focus Movement Fix - PolyPatcher
- Friend Tags - Reflxction's NameModifier
- FriendViewer - Essential
- FullBright - PolyPatcher
- Glint Colorizer - GlintColorizer
- GUI Blur Mod - Blur
- HDSkins - xflo3's CustomSkinLoader
- HeadOwner - ?
- Hotbar - REDACTION
- Hypixel Quick Play - QWERTZexe's Quickjoin
- HyPlus - Hytils Reborn (somewhat)
- I Love Music - ?
- Instagram - ?
- Instant Tab Completion - ?
- Item Physics - ItemPhysic Lite
- Keystrokes - Canelex Keystrokes Revamp
- Minigames - ?
- MiniMap (BANNABLE ON HYPIXEL) - MamiyaOtaru's VoxelMap (requires LiteLoader) / JourneyMap
- More Particles - OverflowParticles
- Motion Blur - PolyBlur
- NoBob - PolyPatcher
- OptiFine - OptiFine
- Rainbow GUI - OneConfig
- ResourcePack 24 - Resource Pack Manager (Only adds the ability to make folders and a better GUI) and Resourcify (Only adds ability to download and update packs from Modrinth)
- Send To Server - ?
- Settings Profile Mod - leduyquang753's Controls Saved
- ShinyPots - GlintColorizer
- SkyblockAddons - SkyblockAddons Unofficial
- SoundPlayer - ?
- Spotify - ThatGravyBoat's Craftify
- TeamSpeak - ?
- Toggle Sneak (Sneak & Sprint) - PolySprint
- ToggleTab - PolyPatcher
- Transulcent Skins - PolyPatcher
- Twitter - ?
- WorldEditCUI - Mumfrey's WorldEditCUI
- VoiceChat - MumbleLink / HyCord