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Mod List

A work-in-progress list of 1.8.9 mods. Please feel free to contribute!

How to Install

To install Forge for 1.8.9, please read the guides for installing Modrinth or Prism Launcher. You can install either one. Installing Forge for the official Minecraft launcher is not recommended and will not be supported by this guide.


Mod Description Author Notes
Ksyxis Reduces world loading times. VidTu This mod only works in single player and will disable spawn chunks entirely.
OptiFine One of the oldest performance mods for Minecraft. Required for many resource packs as well. sp614x This is a direct download that skips OptiFine's ads.
PolyPatcher PolyPatcher fixes several Minecraft bugs, adds many performance improvements, and adds many quality of life features. Sk1erLLC & Polyfrost This is a fork of the original Patcher mod by Sk1er. It removes one-off features that have been improved in other mods, adds a few more QOL changes, and has several new bug fixes, crash fixes, and performance enhancements.
QuickQuit Allows closing Minecraft during the Forge resource loading screen when starting the game. Microcontrollers
Redirector / Redirectionor Decreases memory usage by replacing enum value calls with static final field references. MCTeamPotato
Velox Caelo Caches some OptiFine CIT calculations. Especially noticable with SkyBlock resource packs. nea89o Requires OptiFine.

Other (needs to be sorted better eventually)

Mod Description Author Notes
20-20-20 A mod that reminds users to take a short break to avoid eye strain. Sk1erLLC & Microcontrollers This is a fork of the original mod, but utilizing OneConfig.
3D Skin Layers Replaces the standard flat second layer of player skins with a 3D modeled version. tr7zw
BehindYouV3 A modern, non-2018 take on the BehindYou mod. Allows looking behind you without pressing F5 twice. Also adds camera animations. Polyfrost
Better Hurt Cam Lets you customize the hurtcam when hit. Scherso
Block Overlay Allows you to customize the select overlay on blocks. Aycy No source or official download available. The provided download is hosted on SkyClient.
Blur Adds a customizable blur effect to all your GUIs. tterag Add net.optifine.gui.GuiChatOF to exclusions list to fix blur on chat window when using OptiFine.
Canalex Keystrokes Revamp Displays WASD, left and right click, spacebar, sneak, cps, fps, ping, and more custom keyboard buttons on-screen. Canalex & Polyfrost
Chatting Chatting is a chat mod adding utilities such as extremely customizable chat tabs, chat shortcuts, chat screenshots, and message copying. Polyfrost
ChatTriggers ChatTriggers is a framework for Minecraft that allows for live scripting and client modification using JavaScript. ChatTriggers Team Modules can be found on their site, and depending on their quality may substantially decrease FPS.
ColorSaturation Simple color saturation mod for 1.8.9. Polyfrost
Controlling Adds more options in controls menu to make it easier to navigate. jaredlll08
Craftify Craftify allows you to connect to music services to display and control them in-game. ThatGravyBoat Supports Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, Foobar, and DeaDBeeF.
CrashPatch Attempts to stops crashes from closing your game and provides a solution if found. Polyfrost CrashPatch is meant for simpler crashes and may lead to a broken gamestate. Restart your game should this happen.
DamageTilt Makes your camera tilt in a different direction based on the origin of damage. Charles445 Provided download is from SkyClient due to the GitHub release containing many binaries for different versions and potentially being confusing. Official downloads can be found here.
Entity Glow Backports 1.9+'s entity glow/outline feature to 1.8.9. Microcontrollers
EvergreenHUD Adds many popular HUD elements not included in other mods. isXander & Polyfrost
Glint Colorizer Lets you customize the glint color of items. Polyfrost
ItemPhysic Lite Makes dropped items land on the ground realistically instead of falling straight and floating. CreativeMD
In-Game Account Switcher Lets you log into and switch accounts without needing to relaunch the game or log into other accounts in your launcher. The-Fireplace
Item Counter Show the amount of items you have on screen, easily configurable. Read the project description for instructions. ImToggle
Mixmetica A free cosmetics mod that works by patching Arcmetica directly into OptiFine. Microcontrollers Get cosmetics from Cosmetica by logging in using Microsoft. Requires OptiFine.
NoBreakThatBlock Stops you from punching or moving mouse when clicking back into an alt tabbed Minecraft with F3+P enabled. Cecer
Not So Essential Removes many things that Essential adds that you may not want. Scherso
OofMod Plays custom sounds when you kill other players. powns Deftu
Optibye Prevents Optifine from logging completely useless information. ThatGravyBoat
OverflowAnimations Extremely precise and advanced old animations mod for 1.8.9. Also adds many other features such as backporting features and new features, as well as first person held item transformations. Polyfrost
OverflowParticles Extremely precise and advanced particle mod for 1.8.9. Polyfrost
ParticlesEnhanced Adds many particle features such as fade out and customizable critical and sharpness particles. isXander & Microcontrollers
PolyCrosshair An extremely customizable crosshair mod. Polyfrost
PolyBlur Apply motion blur in-game in various customizable ways. Polyfrost
PolyHitbox An extremely customizable hitbox mod. Polyfrost
PolyNametag An extremely customizable nametag mod. Polyfrost
PolyTime Allows the user to configure what client-side time is displayed. Polyfrost
PolySprint PolySprint is a simple yet feature-versatile toggle sprint/sneak mod. Polyfrost
PolyWeather Allows the user to configure what client-side weather is displayed. Polyfrost
Potion Effects A highly customizable potion effects HUD. Tellinq
QuickConfig Replaces Forge's mod config screen with the OneConfig menu. Microcontrollers Very buggy in the main menu as OneConfig and mods expect a world to be loaded. Works fine in the pause menu.
Raw Input Allows your mouse input to go directly to Minecraft, without any acceleration provided by your system. Fixes high polling rate issues. xCuri0, Mixces, & Erymanthus This may cause your mouse to be completely unresponsive in Minecraft. Simply remove the mod if that is the case.
Redaction Redaction adds HUDs to your game that are normally classified as "cheat-client" modules. Polyfrost
ReplayMod ReplayMod lets you record your gameplay to watch back later. CrushedPixel & johni0702
Resource Pack Manager Makes the resource pack menu load faster and adds some more useful features such as searching and folder/grouping support. Aycy Can mess up order of packs upon launching game if multiple packs are enabled.
Resourcify Adds an in-game downloader and updater for Modrinth resource packs and shaders. DeDiamondPro
Serverlist Buffer Fixer Fixes the server data in the multiplayer menu from infinitely loading. Nixuge
Sound Subtitles Backports the subtitles HUD from newer MC versions. Sk1erLLC
VanillaHUD A mod that modifies various vanilla HUD elements, such as the bossbar, action bar, and sidebar. Polyfrost
WaveyCapes Makes the cape wavey, similar to the cloth capes in Lunar Client. tr7zw


Mod Description Author Notes
AutoTip An easy way to get experience and coins for free, automatically. Semx11 & Sk1erLLC Uses Essential.
BedWar Mod Multifeature mod for Hypixel Bedwars. CalMWolfs
Hypixel Autocomplete Allows you to autocomplete Hypixel commands to player names on your friends list, guild, and local players. Sk1erLLC Uses Essential.
Hytils Reborn Adds tons of Quality of Life features that you would want while on Hypixel, such as an advertisement blocker, auto queue, auto GL, height overlay, game status restyle, command auto complete for /play, and plenty other of features. Polyfrost
LevelHead Levelhead is built for the Hypixel server. The mod displays the Hypixel Network Level & other statistics of a player above their head, in chat and in tab. Sk1erLLC Uses Essential.
Nick Hider Attempts to hides your identity on Hypixel when streaming. Sk1erLLC Uses Essential.
Popup Events Popup Events allows you to swiftly accept any supported event on Hypixel. Sk1erLLC Uses Essential.
Quickjoin Quickly join any game on Hypixel via a custom GUI. QWERTZexe
ReportPlus Report+ is a Hypixel mod that improves their reporting UI to allow the player to stay on 1 screen rather than switch between multiple. ThatGravyBoat Uses Essential.
Reward Claim Reward Claim allows you to claim your Hypixel rewards in-game rather than on their website. ThatGravyBoat Uses Essential.
Zombies-Utils Utility mod for Hypixel Zombies. Stachelbeere1248


Mod Description Author Notes
Apec Apec provides a nice HUD improvement with a sleek blackbar at the bottom of your screen, making the game feel more like an RPG. BananaFructa
BazaarNotifier Mod for Hypixel Skyblock that helps with tracking bazaar sell offer and buy order movements. symt
Cowlection A collection of various features and enhancements mainly focused on Hypixel Skyblock with other features like log searching and stalking. Cow
Danker's Skyblock Mod DSM provides dungeon puzzle solvers, a reparty command, custom boss music and more useful features to see for yourself. bowser0000
Dulkir Mod A general quality of life mod for SkyBlock. inglettronald Use OverflowAnimations for item transformations instead.
Dungeons Guide A highly advanced Hypixel Skyblock dungeons mod, with secrets pathfinding, among other features. Dungeons Guide Team
Dungeon Rooms Mod Displays information about the dungeon room you are currently in and adds waypoints for secrets. Quantizr
NotEnoughUpdates NEU is the essential modification for playing Skyblock, featuring locking slots, fishing notifications, a giant list of every Skyblock item in the game, and an in-game wiki page renderer for the items in the list. There are many, many more features than these, and new features are always being added. NEU Team
Partly Sane Skies PSS is a QoL mod to ease the boring and repetitive parts of Skyblock, such as spotting cheap auctions, finding best prices, and much more. We're constantly developing and we aim to be a mod designed by the community, for the community. PartlySaneStudios
Scatha-Pro A mod for improved Scatha farming on Hypixel Skyblock - adds several alerts, a UI overlay, Scatha related achievements and more. NamelessJu's
SkyblockAddons Unofficial The most popular and one of the oldest mods for Skyblock, SBA has a lot to offer. Biscuit & Fix3dll This is a fork of the original mod which is now EOL.
SkyblockHUD Death Defied SBH focuses on enhancing the HUD to feel like more of an RPG. ThatGravyBoat, Erymanthus, & Nea
SkyblockPersonalized A mod with a lot of customizability and a large variety of features including auto teleport to Garry, disable mining messages, disable specific messages, and showing player's dungeons stats with more for the user to discover. Cobble8
SkyGuide A mod that aims to improve the Hypixel SkyBlock experience in a vanilla-like way. Current features include a map of SkyBlock and NPC locations. DeDiamondPro
SkyHanni A Skyblock mod with a lot of features, especially for the garden. hannibal2 Requires NotEnoughUpdates.
Skytils Introduces some useful puzzle solvers, a reparty command, spam hider for Skyblock, and a ton more with lots to come in the future. Skytils Team Uses Essential.
WaterSolver A simple Water Board solver. Solves all 40 Water Board layouts in a single water flow, considerably faster than other solvers. Desco1
Mod Reason Author
AutoGG Use Hytils Reborn Sk1erLLC
BedwarsHearts Use Hytils Reborn Moulberry
Better Night Vision Use PolyPatcher Microcontrollers
BetterFPS Use PolyPatcher Guichaguri
BetterScaledGui Use PolyPatcher Moulberry
Case Commands Use PolyPatcher Sk1erLLC
Command Patcher Use PolyPatcher Sk1erLLC
Compact Chat Use PolyPatcher Sk1erLLC
Clean View Use OverflowParticles LianMI
Cross Chat Use PolyPatcher Sk1erLLC
Entity Culling Use PolyPatcher tr7zw
Fancy Warp Menu Use SkyblockAddons Unofficial TirelessTraveler
FoamFix The 1.8 port has issues. Use PolyPatcher for memory improvements. asiekierka
Fullbright Use PolyPatcher Unknown
Height Limit Mod Use Hytils Reborn catsonluna
HitDelayFix This mod is bannable on all 1.8+ only servers. It is not a fix, it is a cheat. ghast
Hychat Use Chatting & Hytils Reborn Moulberry
InputFix Use PolyPatcher LianMI
Item Optimizations Use PolyPatcher Sk1erLLC
LobbyGlow Use Entity Glow Biscuut
Lobby Sounds Use Hytils Reborn Sk1erLLC
MCHudCaching Use PolyPatcher Moulberry
Memory Fix Use PolyPatcher Sk1erLLC
Mouse Delay Fix Use OptiFine Sk1erLLC
Mouse Bind Fix Use PolyPatcher Sk1erLLC
NoCloseMyChat Use PolyPatcher Cecer
NoHitFix This mod is bannable on all 1.8+ only servers. It is not a fix, it is a cheat. Moulberry
NoScroll Use PolyPatcher Revxrsal
OldAnimationsMod Use OverflowAnimations spiderfrog
Orange's 1.7 Animations Use OverflowAnimations OrangeMarshall
Orange's Simple Mods Use EvergreenHUD & Potion Effects OrangeMarshall
Patcher Use PolyPatcher Sk1erLLC
PortalInputFix Use PolyPatcher Asbyth
ProjectL Use OptiFine OrangeMarshall
QuickPlay Use Quickjoin & Reward Claim bugfroggy
Resource Exploit Fix Use PolyPatcher Sk1erLLC
Resource Pack Organizer Use Resource Pack Manager chylex
Scrollable Tooltips Use VanillaHUD Sk1erLLC
ServerListBufferFixer Use PolyPatcher Sk1erLLC
SimpleToggleSprint Use PolySprint My-Name-Is-Jeff
Sk1er Old Animations Mod Use OverflowAnimations Sk1erLLC
SkyblockAddons Use SkyblockAddons Unofficial Biscuit
Soopy Discontinued, see alternatives SoopyBoo32
Synthesis Discontinued Antonio32A, ComplexOrigin, Desco1, RayDeeUx
Smooth Scrolling Everywhere Use PolyPatcher Sk1erLLC
TCPNoDelay This issue was fixed in vanilla Minecraft 1.8.1 prplz
Vanilla Enhancements Use PolyPatcher & Chatting OrangeMarshall
Void Chat Use PolyPatcher skyerzz
Windowed Fullscreen Use PolyPatcher Sk1erLLC
