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Feather "Client" Alternatives

Please note that this page may be outdated due to Minecraft update cycles.

It is essential that you read the Migrating to Latest list first, as it includes all dependencies and recommended mods that are not included here, as well as a full guide on how to install these mods and Fabric.

Feather "Client" is a Forge/Fabric mod marketing itself as a client, claiming immense FPS boosts and wide mod support. However, Feather, on numerous occasions, has been caught illegally stealing code and breaking other mod's licenses. Despite the overwhelming amount of evidence, their admins and moderators refuse to acknowledge it and avoid it. Feather is also unsupported by many mod authors, as Feather is closed source and obfuscated, and so incompatibilies cannot be fixed by mod authors. It is not recommended to use Feather or support the developers behind the "client". All major performance improvements can be gotten from using the original mods that Feather leeches off.

image image

Additionally, I do not personally trust them. If they are unable to write their own code for their features, I do not trust them to write proper security measures as by using Feather you are essentially giving them access to your Microsoft/Minecraft account. Their Discord server also refuses to ban scammers, as on several occasions myself and others have been told that it is not their problem.




  • AutoFriend - ?
  • Auto Tip - ?
  • Auto GG - ?
  • Anti GG - ?
  • LevelHead - ?



Blur Settings



  • Custom Dropstack - ?

Chat Options

Chat Settings

  • Toggle Chat - In vanilla's chat settings
  • Unlimited Scrollbar - Chat Plus
  • Background Color - Opacitiy changable in vanilla's chat settings
  • Text Shadow - ?

Stack Messages



Rendering Settings

  • Use Fast Rendering - Sodium
  • Use Direct Memory Access - Sodium
  • Use Fast Font Rendering - Sodium
  • Use Static Particle Color - Particle Core (Improves performance of brightness calculations to make it not an issue instead of removing it entirely)
  • Lazy Chunk Loading - Sodium

Light Settings

  • Use Fast Block Lighting - Sodium
  • Use Fast Entity Lighting - Sodium

Advanced Settings


External Mods
