Lunar Client Alternatives¶
Lunar, despite having the option to add Fabric mods, is not very compatible due to the nature of Lunar Client being closed sourced and heavily obfuscated, making it impossible for mod authors to properly add support. It's better to use the Fabric alternatives and cut Lunar out altogether.
Please note that this page may be outdated due to Minecraft update cycles.
It is essential that you read the Migrating to Latest list first, as it includes all dependencies and recommended mods that are not included here, as well as a full guide on how to install these mods and Fabric.
- Performance Improvements - See my full list of performance mods (as well as the Dependencies section above it)
1.7 Visuals¶
- Animations - Animatium
- Hit Armor Color - Animatium
- Reduced Hurt Animation - Shake Tweaks
Chat Mods¶
- Chat Filter - ?
- Chat Height Fix - Chat Plus
- Don't Clear Chat History - Chat Plus
- Highlighted Name - ChatHighlighter
- Background Opacity - Vanilla (Accessibility Options)
- Hide Incoming Messages - ?
- Stack Spam Messages - Chat Plus
- Stop Servers from Closing Chat - ?
- Text Shadow - ?
- Unlimited Chat - Chat Plus
- Chat Animation - ?
Hypixel Mods¶
- Hypixel Skyblock - Skyblocker
- Remove Guild MOTD - ?
- Remove Guild on Tab - ?
- Short Chat Channel Messages - ?
- Auto Friend - ?
- Auto Tip - ?
- Auto GG - AutoTechno
- Anti GG - ?
- Auto Who - No longer works on Hypixel
- Level Head - ?
- Hypixel Autocomplete - ?
- Hide Private Messages - ?
- Hide Team Chat - ?
- Hide Party Chat - ?
- Hide Guild Chat - ?
- Hide Shouts - ?
- Hide Spectator Chat - ?
- Hide Lobby Join Messages - ?
- Hide Join Messages - ?
- Hide Leave Messages - ?
- Hide Soul Well Announcements - ?
HUD Mods¶
- Armor Status - ?
- Clock - ?
- Combo Counter - ?
- Coordinates - Coordinates Display
- CPS - ?
- Day Counter - ?
- DirectionHUD - Coordinates Display
- FPS - FPS - Display
- Item Tracker - ?
- Key Strokes - TipTapShow
- Memory Usage - ?
- Pack Display - ?
- Ping - ?
- Potion Effects - ?
- Potion Counter - PotionCounter
- Stopwatch - ?
- Server Address - ?
- Saturation - AppleSkin
- Reach Display - ?
- Team View - Irrelevant
- Nametag Text Shadow - Nametag Tweaks
- Third Person Nametag - Nametag Tweaks
- Show Nametag Icon - Irrelevant
- Nametag Opacity - Nametag Tweaks
Visual Mods¶
- 2D Items - ?
- UHC Overlay - Dropped Item Tweaks
- FOV Mod - ?
- Menu Blur - Blur+
- Custom Crosshair - Custom Crosshair
- Waypoints - Minimap (BANNABLE ON HYPIXEL!)
- Scoreboard - Scoreboard Tweaks
- Motion Blur - Motion Blur
- Shiny Pots - ?
- Scrollable Tooltips - Adaptive Tooltips
- Particle Multiplier - ?
- Cooldowns - ?
- Time Changer - Time Changer (Only works on Multiplayer)
- Block Outline - Custom Block Highlight
- Item Physics - ItemPhysic Lite
- TNT Timer Mod - TNTTime
- Hitbox - HitBox+
- 3D Skin Layers - 3D Skin Layers
Other Mods¶
- Toggle Sneak/Sprint - Vanilla (Accessible in Controls and Accessibility Settings menus)
- Nick Hider - NameProtect
- WorldEdit CUI - WorldEdit CUI
- Replay Mod - Replay Mod
- Screenshot Uploader - Screencapper
- Auto Text Hot Key (BANNABLE ON HYPIXEL) - Simple Macros
- Mumble Link - ?
- Boss Bar - ?
- Freelook (BANNABLE ON HYPIXEL) - Perspektive
- Quickplay - ?
HUD Options¶
- Shift Effects in Inventory - Vanilla
- Show Achievements/Advancements - Sodium Extra
- Show Crosshair in Third Person - Crosshair Tweaks
Cosmetic Options¶
- Cosmetics - Cosmetica (Completely free and works with Lunar capes)
- Show Tab Icon - Irrelevant
Misc Options¶
- Smart Disconnect - ?
- Borderless Fullscreen - Cubes Without Borders
- Disable Weather - Weather Changer
- Modern Keybind Handling - Vanilla
- Minimal View Bobbing - Shake Tweaks
- Unfocused FPS Limiter - juliand665's Dynamic FPS
Texture Pack Options¶
- Transparent Background - Vanilla
- Red String - Use a resource pack
- Hide Enderportals - ?
- Full Bright - Methane
- Show Enchantment Glint - ?
- Lazy Chunk Loading - Sodium
- Disable Block Breaking Particles - Sodium Extra
Entity Options¶
- Shadow - Vanilla (Accessible in Sodium's modified Video Settings menu)
- Entities - ?
- Tile Entities - ?
- Show Ground Arrows - ?
- Show Stuck Arrows - ?
- Hide Grass/Foliage - ?
- Hide Placed Skulls - ?
- Vanilla Bug Fixes - Debugify
- Resource Pack Menu - enjarai's Recursive Resources
- Custom Main Menu - Keksuccino's FancyMenu
- Discord Rich Presence - CraftPresence
- In Game Account Switcher - The_Fireplace's In Game Account Switcher
- In Game Server Switcher - ?