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This is a comprehensive guide on how to download Fabric and mods for it. It also provides direct links to many mods that you may find useful.


If you want more information on Fabric, why Forge/OptiFine are not recommended, or need help downloading Fabric and mods for it, click on the Introduction drop down below. If you are just here to see the mods list, continue to the next section.


The Situation

So, you've been playing 1.8.9 for the past 9 years and are ready to see what 1.21 has to offer. Your first thought may be to download and install Forge and then add OptiFine as a mod, but this could not be further from the best choice. As Mojang has been rolling out releases, they've also been decreasing performance with every version, and neither Forge nor OptiFine are really able to bring back even a speck of that performance we see in 1.12 and below. However, another mod loader, Fabric, which is lightweight and easier to develop for, has created an amazing community in which many of its members focus on helping optimize the game to its greatest potential.

Why no longer OptiFine?

OptiFine no longer provides the benefit that it once did on older versions of the game. As the years have gone by and Minecraft's code has changed, OptiFine has been continuing to completely overwrite major parts of Minecraft's code. Because OptiFine is closed source, it has become increasingly harder for modders to provide OptiFine compatibility. OptiFine also uses outdated formats for many of its features, including MCPatcher and its confusing and outdated settings menu. Many members in the Fabric community have taken it upon themselves to create better performance enhancing mods which surpass OptiFine, as well as provide alternatives to many of OptiFine's iconic features.

While there is a Fabric compatibility layer for OptiFine known as OptiFabric, it is unsupported by many of the mods on the list, with some outright preventing the game from loading if OptiFabric is present. Therefore, consider all mods in this list to be incompatible with OptiFabric.

Why no longer Forge?

Forge has always been less than ideal for performance due to its large overhead for server-sided modding, which is not necessary for users wishing for a vanilla compatible experience. Fabric on the other hand is extremely lightweight and is practically identical to vanilla. It's also considered to be much easier to make mods for.

Unlike Fabric, which aims to modify vanilla as little as possible, Forge makes a lot of changes that simply are not beneficial for our usecases. For example, for several months and spanning several Minecraft versions, there was a bug in Forge that gave the player 4-5 block reach in survival mode, effectively banning every Forge player playing on any server with an anticheat at that time. Due to Fabric's goal of being as uninvasive as possible, issues like this won't arise with Fabric Loader, and if they did, would be fixed much quicker.

Installing Fabric

Due to many issues with the official Minecraft launcher, we will not be using it. We will be using the ModrinthApp instead, which is a much improved launcher that has many more features than the official Minecraft launcher and is made with mods in mind.

Install the app from the Modrinth page and continue on with the installation. The Modrinth app should walk you through how to log in, create profiles, and install mods.

Once this is completed and you are back at the main home page, press the create profile button on the bottom left (the green plus sign). Select any icon and give it any name you want, set the loader to Fabric, and select the game version to 1.21.

Downloading and Installing Mods for Fabric

This list currently consists of three different sources for mod downloads: Modrinth, GitHub, and CurseForge. This section will explain how to download mods from each of them.

Automatic Installation:

  • You can simply click on the instance go to the Content tab and press the "Add content" button in the top right to search Modrinth directly inside the launcher.

  • GitHub and CurseForge mods will require manual installation. The Content tab has a dropdown next to the Add content button to add from file. Use that to add the mods you have downloaded.

Manual Download

  • Modrinth:

    • On the mod's page, click on the Versions tab. From there, you can see all versions of the mod. Make sure you download the correct one based on the Minecraft version and mod loader, click on the download icon for the newest version of the mod that fits both previous criteria.
  • GitHub:

    • For your convenience, all GitHub links lead directly to the latest version of the mod. From here, click on the Assets drop down if needed, then download the jar that does not include -sources or -dev in the name.
      • If a link does not redirect you to the latest version but rather the main page, on the right side of the page, you should find a tag icon with the latest version.
  • CurseForge:

    • Click on the Files tab. Look for the versions of the mod with the Minecraft version you desire and is for the Fabric mod loader, and download the latest one. You can also press the View All button, then sort by mod loader or Minecraft version to make finding the correct jar easier.

Still Need Help?

Feel free to join my Discord server for any help downloading Fabric, its mods, or general questions about them.



Dependencies are smaller mods that main mods rely on to function. If you are using Modrinth launcher, these should be automatically downloaded for you when you download mods within the launcher, and you don't need to worry about it.

Dependencies are going through a makeover where along with a giant list at the top, mods will specify their required dependencies in the table itself. This is currently only implemented for a few categories.

Mod Required for Author
Fabric API Most mods Fabric Team
Fabric Language Kotlin Several mods (that use kotlin) Fabric Team
Mod Menu Most mods in order to access config in game. Terraformers
Indium Several mods comp500
Architectury Several mods Shedaniel
Cloth Config Several mods Shedaniel
YetAnotherConfigLib Several mods isXander
MaLiLib Litematica, MiniHUD Matti Ruohonen
Ash API Transparent. Trikzon
Searchables Controlling Jaredllll08


These are mods that are needed for playing the latest versions of Minecraft at a reasonable FPS. These will also help decrease frame times, hopefully eliminating spikes or stuttering.

Mod Description Author Dependencies Incompatabilities Notes
Sodium An all around performance mod, Sodium allows users to play the latest versions of Minecraft with high FPS, completely outperforming OptiFine, with some users seeing up to 8x their vanilla frames. Sodium also drastically improve visuals, providing a much better gameplay experience. CaffeineMC
Iris A shader loader that allows users to load up their favorite OptiFine shaderpacks, but with much higher FPS. Iris also provides performance enhancements when not using shaders, making it great for all users. Iris Team Sodium
Lithium Helps improve the performance of many vanilla systems without changing their mechanics. CaffeineMC
Exordium Caps the FPS of certain HUD elements that do not need to be updated every frame. tr7zw Fabric API May break some HUD elements from other mods.
Enhanced Block Entities Improves block entities by making them used baked models instead, allowing for better performance, visuals (via better smoothlighting), and better resource pack customizability. FoundationGames Fabric API
FerriteCore Helps reduce the amount of memory the game takes up. This may make a big difference for larger modpacks as well. malte0811
Entity Culling Culls entities that you cannot see, increasing FPS. While Sodium already does this, this mod is much more thorough in which entities can be culled. tr7zw
ImmediatelyFast Improves the immediate mode rendering performance. RaphiMC
ModernFix ModernFix is an all-in-one mod that improves performance, reduces memory usage, and fixes many bugs in modern Minecraft versions without majorly compromising the game experience. embeddedt
Dynamic FPS Reduces your FPS when tabbed out of the game, therefore reducing your system load. juliand665 Fabric API
Lazy Language Loader Improves loading times when changing your language in game by only reloading the required resources. chachy
Sodium Extra Allows you to half the resolution on Apple's Retina displays and also adds most of OptiFine's performance features such as toggles for animations, particles, rain/snow, clouds, sky and biome colors, and more, as well as some custom ones. FlashyReese Fabric API, Sodium
Debugify Fixes several bugs in Minecraft, including a few which can effect performance. This will fix lag spikes when crossing chunks and when clicking on links or the resource pack folder button, reduces time it takes to load into a world, and fixes entity collision checks being needlessly calculated client side. isXander YACL
Audio Engine Tweaks Fixes the sound pool overloading, allowing for sounds to continue playing at all time and without log spam. mattymatty97
Ksyxis Reduces world loading times. VidTu
FastQuit Allows you to go back to the title screen while the world is still loading or saving. It is done in a way that prevents world corruption. KingContaria Fabric API, Cloth Config
Noxesium Contains several smaller performance improvements and also has many visual bug fixes for the MCCI server. Noxcrew Fabric API
Remove Reloading Screen Allows you to access other parts of the game by removing the reload screen except for the progress bar. dima_dencep Fabric API, Cloth Config
C2ME C2ME is an experimental mod that attempts to multithread chunk generation, I/O, and loading. RelativityMC
Very Many Players VMP attempts to alleviate the strain on servers when there are a large amount of players. RelativityMC
Early Loading Screen Allows the game to create a game window earlier, allowing you to stop the game much faster if needed. Ishland May cause crashes when starting the game. If your game instantly crashes, try disabling this mod.
Noisium Optimizes world generation when generating new chunks. Steveplays
Particle Core Several optimizations to particles in Minecraft and customization of particle rendering, i.e., being able to turn them on/off individually and putting them in a reduced state. fzzyhmstrs Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin
Force Close Loading Screen Instantly closes the loading terrain screen on world changing and drastically reduces the resource pack loading screen duration. kennytv

Other Performance Mods

These are other performance mods that one may prefer to use, but are not required. It is neither recommended or unrecommended, and is up to the player to decide given their use-case.

Mod Description Author Dependencies Incompatabilities Notes
Nvidium Nvidium uses NVIDIA only OpenGL extensions to greatly improve the game's performance. This mod will not work on AMD. It has a few graphical glitches and could lead to crashes, as the mod is still in beta and not considered stable yet. The mod will also disable itself whenever Iris shaders are enabled or if the required OpenGL extensions are not available. MCRcortex Sodium Chunks won't fade when using Chunks Fade In.
Fadeless Removes transitions such as the fading animation that Mojang added between their splash screens. This may provide a smoother experience if the fade is choppy on a low end machine or allow people to access certain menus quicker if they do not like the small wait time. This mod is made partially redundant by Remove Loading Screen. DerpDerpling & UltimateBoomer Fabric API
Krypton This mod is bannable on Hypixel and most likely other servers. Although it is probably not detectable, it is still against Hypixel's rules and the mod developer does not recommend using it on Hypixel. However, this mod works great for private servers. Krypton optimizes network stacking and entity tracking, as well as other micro-optimizations. astei
Methane Completely kills the light engine, providing permanent fullbright and improved FPS. Disable when using shaders. Allows you to disable some fog such as powdered snow fog and lava fog, which may be considered as an unfair advantage on some servers. AnOpenSauceDev Fabric API, Cloth Config May cause issues when using some shaders. Disable Methane if there are visual glitches.

These are mods that I personally recommend due to their usefulness. While they may not boost performance, they are mostly quality of life mods meant to better your experience.

Mod Description Author Dependencies Incompatabilities Notes
No Chat Reports Removes cryptographic signatures from chat messages, making it harder to get chat reported. Aizistral
Modern Keybinding Allows you to use modifiers for keybinds. For example, you can set keybinds to Ctrl/Shift/Alt + key. Nova-Committee
Model Gap Fix Fixes the gaps you see on items when holding them as well as 3D blocks. This makes for a much more pleasant experience for most resourcepacks, including both defaults. MehVahdJukaar
Cubes Without Borders Borderless Fullscreen for Minecraft. This makes the game not minimize when you tab out. Kir-Antipov
Recursive Resources Resource Pack Organizer but ported to Fabric and with more features. It allows you to sort resource packs into folders, as well as search for them using a search bar. It also lets you change how resourcepacks are ordered.
Smooth Scrolling Refurbished Makes the scrolling in all menus smoother. JustAlittleWolf
Controlling Completely revamps Minecraft's controls menu, making it much easier to navigate and change keys, letting you search and more easily find conflicting keybinds. Jaredllll08
Better Recipe Book Brings many QOL improvements to the current recipe book, making it much more useful for different scenarios. marshmallow
Chat Patches Adds several QOL features to Minecraft's chat to make it more usable. mrbuilder1961
MixinTrace Makes it easier for mod developers to debug crash reports. comp500
Adaptive Tooltips (No 1.21.4 Yet) Makes tooltips more readable by preventing them from going off screen and allowing for tooltip scrolling, as well as more customization options such as custom transparency. isXander Fabric API, YACL
Persistent Stuff Saves your toggle sprint (sprinting/walking), hitboxes' (enabled/disabled), chunk borders' (enabled/disabled) states across Minecraft restarts. Never toggle these at startup again. Andy Russo The mod author has not updated the supported Minecraft versions on the Modrinth page, but it should work with no issues regardless.
Log Cleaner Automatically deletes old logs to clear up storage space. Altrisi (Probably) works on 1.21 despite not being updated to it.
Better Selection Makes it easier to select text by allowing mouse selection and Ctrl + ← and Ctrl + →. MDLC01
Auto ReAuth Automatically reauthenticates your session when you are not logged in correctly. connorslade Fabric API
In-Game Account Switcher Adds an in game account switcher that lets you switch accounts without having to restart the game. The-Fireplace Fabric API
Smooth Skies Smooths out the skybox colors on far render distances. This will fix the skybox breaking with Nvidium or similar. MicrocontrollersDev Fabric API, YACL
Better Mipmaps Unlocks mipmap levels higher than 4 to reduce visual arifacts with high resolution resource packs. sidit77 Not listed as 1.21.1 compatible, but should work with dependency modification.
Fix Keyboard on Linx Fix several issues regarding key input on Linux. Ishland Works on Linux only, will do nothing for other OS's. Has not been listed as compatible for 1.21+, but it should work with no changes.
MacOS Input Fixes Fix several issues regarding key input on MacOS. hamarb123 Not listed as 1.21.1 compatible, but should work regardless.

Other Cool Mods

These are mods that are more dependant on personal preference than importance.

Mod Description Author Dependencies Incompatabilities Notes
World Host Let's you invite people to your singleplayer worlds! They do not need to have the mod installed for it to work. Gaming32
Cosmetica (No 1.21.4 Yet) Adds cosmetics to your game completely for free! Also supports showing cosmetics from other clients and mods! Cosmetica-cc
3D Skin Layers Makes the outer layer of skins 3D. Very customizable and lets you adjust distance that 3D renders for performance. tr7zw
BetterGrassify Better grass and snow. UltimatChamp & JayemCeekay
Overlay Tweaks A small QOL mod that lets you alter vanilla's overlays in small ways. MicrocontrollersDev Fabric API, YACL
Nametag Tweaks Let's you alter the way nametags are rendered, such as background transparency, text shadow, and custom F1 rules. MicrocontrollersDev Fabric API, YACL
Scroll Tweaks Let's you customize Minecraft hotbar scrolling. MicrocontrollersDev Fabric API, YACL
Title Tweaks Improvements and customization for Minecraft's Titles. MicrocontrollersDev Fabric API, YACL
Tab Tweaks Improvements and customization for Minecraft's Tab / Player List HUD. MicrocontrollersDev Fabric API, YACL
Crosshair Tweaks A small QOL mod that lets you alter the vanilla crosshair in small ways. MicrocontrollersDev Fabric API, YACL
Scoreboard Tweaks Client side customization of Minecraft's Scoreboard/Sidebar. MicrocontrollersDev Fabric API, YACL
Mount Opacity Allows setting custom opacity (transparency) for entities that you are riding MicrocontrollersDev Fabric API, YACL
Dropped Item Tweaks Small changes to the way dropped items render. MicrocontrollersDev Fabric API, YACL
Render Tweaks Customization of some in-world visuals. MicrocontrollersDev Fabric API, YACL
Inventory Scale Allows customizing your inventory and container scaling independent of GUI scale. MicrocontrollersDev Fabric API, YACL
Numerical Enchantments Converts roman numerals to arabic numbers in enchantment tooltips to make them easier to read at a glance! No resource pack required. MicrocontrollersDev Fabric API, YACL
Sciophobia Allows disabling text shadow or only translating it down, globally. MicrocontrollersDev Fabric API, YACL
Custom Block Highlight Change how your selected block outline looks, featuring fancy rendering options and animation! Tektonikal Fabric API, YACL
Chunks Fade In Adds a fade-in animation to chunks similar to Bedrock Edition. kerudion Nvidium (chunks don't fade)
Distant Horizons Adds LODs to Minecraft, allowing for much further render distances without a big tank on performance. James Seibel Many shaders may cause LODs to not load or be black.
Controlify Allows you to easily play Minecraft with a controller. isXander
CleanView Prevents self particles from appearing on your screen. LianMI
HitBox+ Allows you to customize hitboxes, similar to 1.8 mods and clients. PingIsFun
Blur+ Creates a nice blur effect when in menus and is completely customizable. Motschen
WaveyCapes Breaks your cape into smaller sections to make its movement more fluid. Looks great with the new migration capes. tr7zw
Perspektive (BANNABLE ON HYPIXEL) A simple 360 degrees perspective mod that lets you move the camera without moving your player's direction. r0yzer
BetterF3 Replaces Minecraft's original debug HUD with a highly customizable, more human-readable HUD. You can customize colors, position, add spacings, and more. cominixo
TNTTime (No 1.21.4 Yet) Displays time left to the TNT explosion above primed TNT. Simon
Paginated Advancements & Custom Frames Makes the advancement menu fit your entire screen, which could make it easier to navigate the menu. DaFuqs
AppleSkin Lets you know how much a food will restore your hunger bar. Ryan Liptak
Horse Stats Vanilla (No 1.21.4 Yet) Adds the stats of your horse in your horse/donkey inventory HUD, making it easy to see the perks of your horses and donkeys. d4m0n
Better Mount HUD Makes some important HUD modules visible when riding a mount. Lortseam
Clear Despawn Clear Despawn makes it more obvious on which items are about to despawn by making them blink exponentially faster after a certain time. StrikerRockers
Litematica A schematic mod that allows you to import schematics of builds. Matti Ruohonen
MiniHUD A customizable HUD that allows displaying various information on your screen as well as beneficial overlay renders. Matti Ruohonen
Sound Physics Remastered Makes sounds much more realistic, adding reverb, attenuation, and absorption. vlad2305m, thedocruby & henkelmax
Sound Controller Provides complete control over the volume of every sound in the game. BVengo Fabric API, YACL
Screencapper Improves the way you share and preview screenshots. isXander & Deftu Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, DeftuLib
Snapper An in game screenshot viewer, making it easy to see all your screenshots in game. Also adds the ability to take and view panoramas. Spirit Studios
Better Command Block UI Improves the command block user interface by allowing for visual newlining . Tectato
Better Statistics Screen A visual overhaul to the statistics screen, giving useful information in a much more visually appealing format. TheCSDev
Chat Heads Shows a player's head next to their chat message in game. dzwdz
Craftify Shows your currently playing music on your HUD. ThatGravyBoat
Resourcify Lets you view, download, and update resource packs from Modrinth all in game. DeDiamondPro
Make Bubbles Pop Improves the look of bubbles in water. Tschipcraft
NoRefreshScroll Stops the multiplayer screen from scrolling to bottom when refreshing. Thatsmusic99
Particle Tweaks Makes particles look nicerby adding growing/fading effects and water physics. Lunade_
Particle Rain Replaces the rain effect with particles. PigCart
SkinShuffle Allows you to change, store, and customize your skins in game. mineblock11
Tiny Item Animations Adds a small animation when holding items similar to old console editions of the game. Trivaxy
Draggable Lists Allows you to drag to order resourcepacks, datapacks, worlds, and servers. MrMelon54
Highlight Changes hitboxes to allow them to not be axis alligned, making them look much smoother on some blocks. Team Resourceful
Biome Moss (No 1.21.4 Yet) Improves the look of moss by adding color biome variation. TheDarkCoder The latest release should work on 1.21.
Fluid Void Fading Makes liquids like water and lava slowly fade out in the void. Looks great in games like Skyblock, Skyways, or similar. DaFuqs
Server Pinger Fixer Makes server pinging smoother and fixes it breaking when refreshing too many times. JustAlittleWolf
Axiom An alternative to WorldEdit and VoxelSniper to make building in singleplayer much easier. Moulberry
Sounds Adds many more sounds to Minecraft for things that did not previously have sounds. mineblock11
TipTapShow A keystrokes mod for modern fabric. Spyxar Fabric API
Favorita (No 1.21.4 Yet) A basic item favoriting mod, allowing you to stop yourself from discarding of important items. Deftu Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, TextileLib, OmniCore
SaveMyKeybinds Allows you to save and load keybind presets. MisterCheezeCake

Skyblock Mods

These are mods for Hypixel Skyblock.

Mod Description Author Dependencies Incompatabilities Notes
Skyblocker A general purpose Hypixel Skyblock utility mod. SkyblockerMod Team Fabric API
Skyblock Tweaks A Hypixel SkyBlock mod for the latest version providing many tweaks and gameplay enhancements. MisterCheezeCake Fabric API, YACL
Firmament An NEU inspired Skyblock mod. nea890 Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, & RoughlyEnoughItems
SkyCubed SkyCubed is a Hypixel SkyBlock UI overhaul mod, changing all aspects of the UI in-game to be more inline into it looking like its own game. ThatGravyBoat Fabric Language Kotlin

OptiFine Replacements

As OptiFine is no longer recommended, here are some replacements for many of it's features. Please note that some mods that have been listed in the above categories may be repeated here.

Additionally, pure performance mods are not listed here. Please check the performance category for those mods.


Features that OptiFine provides that are not resource pack related.

Mod Description Author Notes
Iris Shaders. More customizable than OptiFine's. IrisShaders
Zoomify Zoom. More customizable than OptiFine's. isXander
Cosmetica (No 1.21.4 Yet) Capes. Free, more customizable than OptiFine, and other cosmetics. Cosmetica-cc
SuperBetterGrass Better grass and snow, more customizable than OptiFine. LambdAurora & Dima-Dencep This is a fork of LambdaBetterGrass by LambdAurora.
LambDynamicLights Dynamic lights. More customizable than OptiFine. LambdAurora
Fabrishot Higher resolution Screenshots. More customizable than OptiFine. ramidzkh

Resource Packs

Resource pack features that OptiFine has. Not all support the OptiFine format.

Mod Feature Supports OptiFine format Notes Author
FabricSkyboxes Custom sky. 🚧 Use FabricSkyBoxes Interop by FlashyReese AMereBagatelle
Continuity Connected texture models (CTM) and emmisive textures. Pepper_Bell
MoreMcmeta Animated textures. soir20
OptiGUI GUI/Container textures. opekope2
Translucency Fix Fixes semitranslucent textures. 🚧 Not sure if OptiFine even does this. This should be fixed in 1.21.2. ruvaldk
CIT Resewn (No 1.21.4 Yet) Custom item textures. SHsuperCM
Polytone Custom colors, sounds, particles, GUI elements, and more. More customizable. MehVahdJukaar
Entity Model Features Custom entity models. More customizable. Traben
Entity Texture Features Random and emissive entity textures. More customizable. Traben
Entity Sound Features Entity sound variation. More customizable. Traben
JsonEM Custom JSON Entity Models. FoundationGames
Transparent Transparent/translucent entities. Trikzon
Puzzle Custom splash screen, better logo blending, unlimited model rotations, and bigger custom models. PuzzleMC
Custom Splash Screen Custom splash screen. More customizable (than OptiFine and Puzzle). Motschen

Internal Shader

If you are one of those weirdos who uses internal shaders (you shouldn't btw), here's a mod that does the same thing.

Mod Description Author
Simply No Shading Internal Shaders. StartsMercury

Unrecommended Mods

These are mods that are not recommended for use. They have either been replaced by other mods, cause issues, or are simply not needed.

Will Never Be Supported

Mod Reasoning Author
Embeddium Embeddium is a fork of Sodium with worse performance, worse compatability, and less features. There is no reason to use this mod. embeddedt
More Culling This mod is made by a user who was been exposed for making malware. Additionally, it causes many weird crashes. fxmorin
MemoryLeakFix This mod is made by a user who was been exposed for making malware. Additionally, this mod does next to nothing and it too causes many weird crashes. fxmorin
ThreatenGL This mod does not actually improve performance, as stated by both Jellysquid and IMS. It attempts to force the game to use a newer OpenGL version but does not do anything with it. Numelon
Not Enough Crashes NEC regularly causes the game to be in an invalid state and blames the wrong mods for crashes, making it harder for mod devs to debug. It is also marked incompatible with Iris and possibly other mods. natanfudge
Better Beds BetterBeds has been replaced by Enhanced Block Entities. Feel free to use if Enhanced Block Entities is not yet updated to the current version. Motschen
ToolTipFix ToolTipFix has been replaced by Adaptive Tooltips. kyrptonaught
Animatica Animatica has been replaced by MoreMcMeta. FoundationGames
Clear Void Clear Void has been replaced by Smooth Skies. yezhiyi9670
Clear Skies Clear Skies has been replaced by Smooth Skies. grondag


Join my Discord server for news regarding the development of this repository!

If you would like to contribute, please make a PR.

  • Leave your name and GitHub link in the contributors credits section in alphabetical order, even for a tiny change
  • Please try to use Modrinth/GitHub links over CurseForge links whenever possible (Modrinth is preferred over GitHub).
  • When crediting authors, please use a GitHub link instead of a Modrinth/CurseForge author page if possible.
    • Credit the GitHub organization if the GitHub profile that owns the repository is an organization profile, don't use the person credited on Modrinth/CurseForge
  • Make sure "Allow edits by maintainers" is enabled in your PRs.
